Farm Drainage Success: Your Easy 3-Step Guide
Once you decide to DIY your farm drainage, making the right choices about your tile plough and the technology you pair with your plough makes a world of difference during the installation process. In this week’s blog post, we share the simple 3 steps you need to follow to achieve tiling success when choosing Soil-Max and Intellislope®.
Save Money – Why DIY Farm Drainage Is the Best Solution
Proper drainage is an integral part of a farm operation and essential to creating a productive farm. Without adequate drainage, crops can be damaged or even killed. Farm drainage is a vital part of any agricultural operation, and it's essential to keep your fields in top condition to see the yields and profits you desire. If you're on a tight budget, you may think hiring an outside contractor is the only way. But did you know that you can self-install drainage in your fields?
Which Farming System Is the Best?
Farming has been practised for centuries. There are many different types of farming, most of which developed out of necessity due to farming environments and the availability of resources such as water, land, grazing areas, climate, etc. “Farming systems” refers to the methods with which farmers are growing and raising crops and livestock. Each farming system has its advantages and disadvantages. In this post, we compare seven popular farming systems, sharing the advantages and disadvantages of each and best practices. Keep reading to the end for Farm Xport’s secrets to achieving maximum productivity for each type of farming.
Three Farm Drainage Myths Taking Your Profits
Adequate farm drainage is a vital part of any farm operation. It is designed to remove excess water from the soil and improve farm management. There are myths out there about what agricultural drainage can and can’t do. What use is drainage in a drought year with minimal rainfall? In what ways does installing a drainage system impact the health of the soil? Can a farmer install drainage as a practice that benefits the sustainability of the land? Don’t believe everything you hear! Let’s DIG into three myths about farm drainage that are costing you money. Keep reading to learn about a bonus fourth myth and how Farm Xport debunks all of these misconceptions about DIY farm drainage.
Five Benefits of DIY Farm Drainage
Implementing a drainage system on your farm has several benefits. If increasing crop health and productivity, soil health, and overall farm management are goals for your farm, then one decision to install drainage is a solution that can make those goals achievable. Farm drainage systems that are self-installed are an excellent way for farmers to improve their fields' health and reduce the work required while crops grow and mature to harvest. Self-installation also provides the added benefit of saving the labour costs of hiring a contractor. If farm drainage has inherent essential benefits, what's the difference between hiring someone to install the field drainage for you versus DIY field drainage that you install yourself? Let’s DIG in and discover our five reasons to self-install your farm drainage!
How to Increase Your Farm Yields
According to the United Nations, the current world population of 7.6 billion will reach 8.6 billion by the year 2030, 9.8 billion by the year 2050, and 11.2 billion by the year 2100. As the global population grows, challenges are becoming more frequent. Farmers must increase their crop yield per hectare to achieve the highest possible productivity. Let's DIG in to discuss the importance of productivity, how to improve your crop yields with precision technology, and how Farm Xport makes consistent, higher yields possible.
What’s the Buzz About Pesticides?
There's been much buzz about pesticides and their health risks. Aren't they just chemicals? Some believe these synthetics are dangerous, while others rely on them to produce healthier, more resilient crops. In this blog post, we DIG into the evidence for and against the use of pesticides and discuss how consumers can responsibly buy and consume produce grown with pesticides.
From Sow To Grow: Weighing the Pros and Cons of Early Planting
Early planting is a method that farmers test out to produce higher yields. What risks do farmers face in taking to their fields early? What advantages can they reap with early planting? Let’s DIG into the pros and cons of early planting, why growers around the globe are adopting this technique, and how Farm Xport helps them plant early predictably, easily, and with less threat to their crops.
6 Soil Types and Why DIY Farm Drainage Will Work for You
Soil is the foundation of all of agriculture, especially for farmers. One of the top concerns we hear from farmers is that "self-tiling isn't going to work in my soil type." Let’s DIG into the six soil types and why self-installing drainage using Farm Xport works for almost all of them.
What Is Salinity (And 5 Ways Farmers Stop It) [Infographic]
Salinity is a severe environmental factor that occurs because of an excessive accumulation of water-soluble salts in the soil. Farmers are impacted by salinity as it limits the productivity of any affected soil and eventually kills crops due to their inability to take up enough water from the earth.